Release what no longer serves you, and bring in those frequencies that serve your highest good.

Dolphin Energy Sessions

(Can be performed in-person or over distance)

In-Person Dolphin Energy Sessions:

When you arrive for your appointment, we’ll talk briefly about your intentions for the session. I recommend putting everything on the table! The dolphins are holographic and multi-dimensional. They don’t work in a linear way, on one issue or area at a time. They are able to make adjustments on multiple levels simultaneously. The more open you are, and the more permission you give them, the more they’ll do!

Some prefer to not set specific intentions. Rather, they choose to remain open to receive whatever gifts the dolphins have to share with them. This is a personal choice.

You will lie face-up, fully clothed, on a massage table, and I’ll lead you into your session with a brief guided experience. During your session, you will experience light touches and most likely heat from my hands. I am in silence during the session; but some clients like knowing they can talk to me if something comes up during the session they want to talk about.  

Throughout your session, I encourage you to allow yourself to be exactly where you are in any given moment. For example, some people think they need to quiet their minds in order to receive. If you can do that, that’s great. But don’t struggle with your thoughts if your mind is active. Just let yourself be exactly as you are. Surrender to what is. Let go of any ideas that you need to be different in any way. The dolphins will find your access points, and will meet you where you are. They will take you on a journey that is customized just for you. You may or may not have conscious awareness of what’s occurring during the session, and that’s okay!

Your session will last for 50-60 minutes. Your body and your energy field will be saturated with the healing frequencies the dolphins bring in. Some people pop out of the session easily and are quite energized. Others fall asleep during or after the session, and may sleep for hours. Surrender to your own unique experience, and trust that it is perfect! 

But just because the session is “over” doesn’t mean you’re done! The energies will continue to integrate into you over the upcoming days. These sessions are like the opening of a doorway. Your transformation process will continue until you have assimilated all of the gifts the dolphins gave to you in your session. 

Session Follow-Up

I like to touch base two or three days later, either by phone or e-mail, to connect and see how you’re doing, and to answer any questions you might have. When you feel like the time is right, please phone or e-mail me and let me know you’re ready to connect.   

Distance Dolphin Energy Sessions:

The instructions for distance sessions are pretty much the same as those for the in-person sessions (please see above). The main difference is that your session is conducted over the phone or Zoom. After I lead you into your session with a brief guided experience, we can either hang up, or remain on the call together, the choice is up to you. In general, I am in silence during the session; but some clients like knowing they can talk to me if something comes up during the session they want to talk about.  

I recommend creating a quiet, relaxing space where you can sit or lie down without distraction during the session. You may want to light a candle, play some meditative music ... create whatever environment is most conducive to peace and relaxation for you.

Session Follow-Up (please see above)

Spiritual Coaching Session or Channeled Oracle Card Reading:

A Spiritual Coaching Session or Channeled Oracle Card Reading with Jean is your chance to connect with your Higher Self, your spirit guides/angels, and other Beings of Light who love you dearly. You will receive channeled information, answers to your questions, as well as loving energy from Divine.

These sessions are about You, what You need in this NOW moment. Spirit is open to any questions you may have, and all information you share in these sessions are confidential. Do keep in mind that we cannot predict the future, only read the probabilities in the field. You have total freedom to create the future of your choosing.

In addition to receiving the energetic downloads during the channeled session, you will also receive a channeled symbol to help anchor new frequencies that will serve you best at this time. It is recommended that you sleep with the symbol underneath your pillow or placed on a mirror where you can see it daily.

Sessions are held via Zoom, over the phone, or in-person.


  • Energy & Coaching Sessions

    Single Dolphin Energy Session (approximately 1-hour in length): $125.00

    Three Dolphin Energy Sessions: $333.00

    1-hour Spiritual Coaching Session: $125.00

    30-minute Channeled Reading $75.00

  • Book Your Session

    1. Contact Jean for a short 10 minute phone or Zoom consultation to see if we are a good match in terms of service and your needs. We will set your session appointment at this time if it is agreed upon.

    2. Pay for your session via PayPal or Zelle using our account email address:

    3. You will receive a confirmation of your appointment as well as instructions via email.

  • Contact Information


    Mobile: +1 469-835-4024