
About Jean and Dolphin Energy:

Jean Yang is a certified Dolphin Energy Practitioner, an Intuitive, a Channel, a Connector, Reiki Master, Licensed Massage Therapist, and an Artist.

Being an artist, you will often find Jean painting or sculpting outside of work.  One of Jean’s main missions is to tap into higher knowing to assist those desiring to be more creative to connect with their higher self and their own unique creative gifts, or Soul’s Calling, through adventure, fun, and play.

Jean’s spiritual practice includes daily meditation, studying metaphysics, and guided writing.

Currently, Jean works predominantly with Dolphin, Whale, and Star Energies in her energy sessions.

What is Dolphin Energy Healing? 

The excerpt below is from Jean's mentor Linda Shay’s Website,

“Dolphin Energy Healing 

Who are the Dolphins, Really?

Dolphins are master healers and keepers of the light upon Planet Earth. They are highly evolved omni-dimensional beings who live in the Oneness. Their role is similar to that of the angelic kingdom. They are here to watch over us, to help us and support us, and to guide us on our remembrance to radiant wholeness. Their love for humanity is profound.

Like the angels, the dolphins' influence transcends time, space and physicality. It is not necessary to be in their physical presence to be healed by them and to receive their gifts. Now, more than ever before, humanity as a whole is ready and willing to receive the profound gifts the dolphins have to share.”