What is Dolphin Energy Healing?

Q:  Who are the Dolphins, really?

Dolphins are master healers and keepers of the light upon Planet Earth. They are highly evolved omni-dimensional beings who live in the Oneness. Their role is similar to that of the angelic kingdom. They are here to watch over us, to help us and support us, and to guide us on our remembrance to radiant wholeness. Their love for humanity is profound.

Like the angels, the dolphins’ influence transcends time, space and physicality. It is not necessary to be in their physical presence to be healed by them and to receive their gifts. Now, more than ever before, humanity as a whole is ready and willing to receive the profound gifts the dolphins have to share.

A very wise being recently said:

People can learn a lot from dolphins …

to live in harmony,

to create love between people,

to live the life they were meant to live.

When people come in contact with dolphin energy,

they realize their source, and their future.

- Mikey the Cat

Q:  What is Dolphin Energy?

The dolphins describe their energy as …

The frequency of JOY,



Flow of LOVE


An OPENING OF THE HEARTas never before!

Those who have experienced dolphin energy agree …

there is nothing else quite like it!

Q:  What is Dolphin Energy Healing?

Dolphin Energy Healing is a deeply respectful, highly advanced form of spiritual energy healing, performed by the Dolphin Consciousness.

Dolphin energy healing is not about fixing something that is wrong.

It is about nurturing the wholeness that already exists

within each and every one of us.

Q:  What is a Dolphin Energy Healing Session?

In a Dolphin Energy Session, you receive the same energy that you would receive if you were swimming with the dolphins physically … and often more!

Dolphin Energy Sessions can be performed in person or at a distance (by telephone or Zoom).  In a Dolphin Energy Session, you and your Divine Self co-create your experience with the Dolphin Consciousness. Because the dolphins live in the Oneness, they have access to, and serve as gatekeepers for, All That Is. There is no limit to the qualities of energies the dolphins may bring into your session.   

You set the intention for what you would like to receive from the session. Your Dolphin Energy Practitioner™ serves as a vehicle for the beautiful healing frequencies of the dolphins to flow through, and holds sacred space for the healing and transformation to occur.

Q:  How can I maximize my session experience?

·      Enter into the healing session with a willing heart and an open mind. Release all expectations. Be open for your highest good to occur.

·      Give the dolphins complete permission to adjust your frequencies. This includes supporting you in releasing any limiting thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that are ready to be released, in divine order and timing; and supporting you in receiving the frequencies that best serve you now.

·      Consider investing in a series of sessions. While each session is profound, the healing process is an unwinding of the old, and a bringing-to-the-surface of what’s real and true. A series of sessions allows for a deeper release and a higher level of awakening to occur.   

Q:  What can I expect to feel after the session?

During the session, the dolphins saturate your physical and subtle energy bodies with the optimal frequencies that your being called in. These energies generally fully integrate within a week.

Most clients do not experience any unpleasant effects after a session. However, it is possible for cleansing symptoms to occur. These may take the form of long-hidden emotions rising to the surface for release, or physical cleansing symptoms, such as sinus drainage, upset stomach, or minor physical aches and pains. These are positive signs that old energies that were stored in the body are releasing.

·      Welcome these sensations and be grateful that they’re on their way out!

·      Drink plenty of water, and rest if you feel tired.

You will feel much lighter, freer, and more joyous after these energies fully release.  

The results of your session may be realized immediately, or over time. From this perspective, you can view the session as the opening of a doorway into a new experience – of yourself, and of your reality.

EnJoy the journey of self-discovery in the days, weeks and months ahead!

Q:  What are some benefits of Dolphin Energy Healing?

~ Greater self-love and self-acceptance

~ Healing on all levels

~ Profound inner joy

~ Permission to PLAY!

~ Increased feelings of Freedom

~ Greater connection to the natural world & to spirit

~ Forward movement toward manifestation of your deepest heart’s desires!

~ Harmonious relationships

~ More love; less fear

~ Deep inner peace

~ Unity-Community






To learn more about this unique healing modality, visit: www.DolphinHeartWorld.com